The entrance...
Robert Irwin... designs this garden piece for Dia.
Lim Knoebel's colorful paintings....are super suitable for this bright and high space~
My reflection and...the main gallery is just behind the door.
You cannot take any pictures inside...><, so I found some images from Internet.
Richard Serra....
There are fore big "cylinders" sitting in the space. Only one gap lets andience walk in. It provides another special experience toward space. Accompanying with the movement of viewers, we can watch the skylilne, hear the unknown sound, observe the texture of steel and feel the pushing power from artwork.
You can see more from MoMa:
My favorite-Sol LeWitt~
Instead of calling him an artist, maybe I should call him a mathematician, programer or a scientist.
Dia is a very good place for visiting. If you have any chance, just stop by...7 dollars for students.
If you want to know more about Dia and its collections, please check here: Dia: Beacon